Each of our two independent ropes for the Canyon Swing have a breaking strain of 2.8 tonnes, enough to lift four cars! The Fox cables has a minimum breaking force of 231 tonnes, which equals about one-and-one-half times the weight of a house! All aspects of each activity satisfy important safety requirements and are inspected, maintained and upgraded to ensure an extremely safe environment. The Canyon Swing is certified as an Amusement Device by WorkSafe New Zealand. We even have a supply of fresh undies for the faint hearted!
At the start of building The Fox some of the technical hoops we had to jump through didn’t even exist. By the time the engineer designed everything to meet numerous NZ Standards we have cables to ride on that are strong enough for a 20 tonne truck to hang off, bolts into rock that you could suspend 266 averagely weighted people from plus an operating system where everything is double or triple checked. After passing an independent safety audit and engineering tests The Fox become a WorksafeNZ Registered Amusement Device #1256.
If you are affected to any extent by any of the conditions listed below or by anything you consider relevant you must include details in your safety form so that we can include you safely in this activity.
Not all conditions necessarily exclude you from jumping, and if you have any doubts please talk with us first and/or with your medical practitioner.
- High blood pressure
- Allergies
- Previous dislocations
- Pregnancy
- Hearing conditions
- Asthma
- Neurological disorders
- Epilepsy
- Head injury
- Artificial limbs
- Back injuries
- Eye conditions
Most people should be able to experience the thrills of the Canyon Swing and The Fox. Our staff have experience swinging people with major neck, back and limb injuries as well as those with permanent impairments such as blindness, deafness, paraplegia, amputations and paralyses. Safety of our customers and staff is paramount and will only accept individuals on a case by case basis, and participation is conditional on the judgement of our operational staff.
The Canyon Swing site is located at the end of a 300m gravel track (downhill from the car park) and there are 61 steep stairs to descend to the platform (approx 900mm to 1200mm wide). The Fox site is located at the top of a steep 400m gravel track.
We hold a Trax Seal of Approval for accessible adventure, to find out more visit their website>> Please contact us to discuss your booking or any questions you may have.